WARNING - By their nature, text files cannot include scanned images and tables. The process of converting documents to text only, can cause formatting changes and misinterpretation of the contents can sometimes result. Wherever possible you should refer to the pdf version of this document. CAIRNGORMS NATIONAL PARK AUTHORITY Appendix 2 Planning Paper 9 5 February 2010 Beauly – Denny Transmission Line Terms of Approval PAGE 2 Business,Enterprise and Energy Directorate Energy Networks Division T: 0300 244 1085 F: 0300 244 1060 E: colin.imrie@scotland.gsLgov.uk Mr Ian Marchant Chief Executive Scottish and Southern Energy pic. Inveralmond House 200 Dunkeld Road Perth PH13AQ Your ref: C33302 6 January 2010 Dear Mr Marchant, ~ The Scottish Government ELECTRICITY ACT 1989 AND TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING (SCOTLAND) ACT 1997 OVERHEAD TRANSMISSION LINE FROM BEAUL Y SUBSTATION TO WHARRY BURN, DUNBLANE SCOTTISH HYDRO-ELECTRIC TRANSMISSION LIMITED Application I refer to the application, made on behalf of Scottish Hydro-Electric Transmission Ltd, dated and received on 28 September 2005 for - (i) consent under section 37 of the Electricity Act 1989 ("the Electricty Act") to install, and keep installed, above ground an overhead electricity transmission line over 200.1 km from Beauly substation to Wharry Burn, near Dunblane, as described in that letter and accompanying documents, and (ii) a direction under section 57(2) of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997 ("the Planning Act") that planning permission be deemed to be granted in respect of that overhead electricity transmission line and any ancillary developments. 5 Atlantic Quay 150 Broomielaw Glasgow G2 8LU www.scotland.gov.uk PAGE 3 Beauly - Denny line On the same day, the Scottish Ministers also received an application for consent under section 37 of the Electricity Act and a grant of deemed planning permission under section 57(2) of the Planning Act in respect of the related proposed overhead electricity transmission line extending 20.2km from Wharry Burn, near Dunblane, to the proposed substation north-east of Dunipace, Denny ("the southern section"). The Scottish Ministers note that these applications form two parts of a proposal to install a double circuit 400 kV overhead transmission line from Beauly to Denny. The new line would replace an existing 132 kV line: one circuit to operate at 400 kV to provide a high capacity circuit between Beauly and Denny and the other circuit to operate at 275 kV to provide a circuit into which much of the generation in the area between Beauly and Denny could be connected. Ministers note that the aim is to upgrade the capacity of the electricity transmission network between the Highlands and central Scotland, permitting the harvesting of energy generated by windfarms and other renewable technology, and in turn contributing to the target for renewable energy in Scotland. Consultation In accordance with Statutory Requirements, advertisements of the application had to be placed in the local press. Ministers note that these requirements have been met. Under Schedule 8 of the Electricity Act, the relevant planning authorities are required to be notified in respect of a section 37 consent application. Notifications were sent to Stirling Council, Perth and Kinross Council, the Highland Council and the Cairngorms National Park Authority as planning authorities, as well as to Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) and the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA). Objections were received by the Scottish Ministers from Stirling Council, Perth and Kinross Council, the Highland Council and the Cairngorms National Park Authority and 17250 others. For the most part, objections relate to landscape and visual amenity, tourism, health, alternative methods of transmission, cultural heritage, ecology and property values. Since the Inquiry closed, a further 2994 objections relevant to this application have been received. A summary of the objections received is at Annex 3 to this letter. 5 Atlantic Quay 150 Broomielaw Glasgow G2 8LU www.scotland.gov.uk ISOI400~atv. ~ .~INVESTOR IN PEOPLE PAGE 4 Stirling and Falkirk Councils objected to the application in respect of the southern section of the new line. As the objections by the planning authorities in respect of both applications were not withdrawn, the Scottish Ministers were required to cause a public inquiry to be held into each application, in accordance with paragraph 2(2) of Schedule 8 to the Electricity Act. As the applications relate to two parts of what is intended to be one line, the Scottish Ministers considered it necessary and appropriate to hold one public inquiry to consider both applications. Inquiry The public inquiry took place at various locations along the proposed route of the line on various dates between 6 February and 20 December 2007. The Report of the Inquiry was finalised and submitted to Scottish Ministers on 11 February 2009. It comprises 6 volumes - Volume 1 dealing with strategy, Volume 2 deals with the section of the line between Beauly and the boundary of Cairngorms National Park, Volume 3 with the line within Cairngorms National Park, Volume 4 the line within Perth and Kinross Council area and Volume 5 the section within Stirling and Falkirk Council areas. Volume 6 contains the summary of the Reporters' conclusions and recommendations. Environmental matters An Environmental Statement has been produced in accordance with the Electricity Works (Environmental Impact Assessment) (Scotland) Regulations 2000. Scottish Ministers have considered the Environmental Statement that was provided with the application as well as the supplementary information provided to the Inquiry. Ministers note and adopt the Reporters' findings in fact, and agree and adopt their conclusions and recommendations on environmental matters. Further, Ministers agree with the Reporters' recommendation that an appropriate assessment be undertaken in accordance with the Conservation (Natural Habitats, &c.) Regulations 1994. This assessment was carried out after having consulted SNH and SEPA. The assessment relevant to this application is at Annex 4. Ministers are satisfied that all environmental matters can be dealt with by way of mitigation. 5 Atlantic Quay 150 Broomielaw Glasgow G2 8LU www.scotland.gov.uk ISOI4001atY. ~ .~INVESTOR IN PEOPLE PAGE 5 Electromagnetic fields (EMFs) Electric field levels (EFs) and magnetic field levels (MFs) - together known as electromagnetic field (EMF) levels - were considered by the Reporters in the context of Government policy and guidance. The Reporters state that, while the evidence indicates that magnetic field strengths would remain well below the International Commission on Non- Ionizing Radiation Protection (lCNIRP) reference level, electric field levels in certain locations could exceed the ICNIRP reference level. However, the Technical Assessor also states that, in view of the nature of the terrain, the limited access and limited period of exposure, the line would comply with relevant Government guidelines. The Reporters concluded that the proposal complies with current guidelines on EMF. The Scottish Ministers concur with that conclusion. Consideration The Scottish Ministers have considered fully and carefully the application and accompanying documents, the objections and representations received and the evidence produced to and submissions made at the Inquiry. The Scottish Ministers have also considered all relevant objections made since the Inquiry, and note that these have not introduced new evidence or any additional relevant considerations. Ministers have in particular considered the letter from Sir Donald Miller dated 22 February 2009 objecting to the exclusion from the Inquiry of the submission he wished to make on alternative routes. That submission was excluded from the Inquiry on the basis that it had not been made within the agreed timescale. Sir Donald wished Ministers to consider his submission despite it having been excluded from the Inquiry. Ministers do not consider it appropriate to do so. They consider that the exclusion of the submission from the Inquiry was well founded and that to allow consideration of the submission at this stage would be unfair to other parties to the Inquiry. Ministers also noted that, in any event, the submission did not introduce new evidence; rather it used material already before the Inquiry to propose an alternative route. The question of alternative routes is fully and thoroughly considered in the Report. 5 Atlantic Quay 150 Broomielaw Glasgow G2 8LU www.scotland.gov.uk 18014001 at V.